Nowadays, the railway industry is setting its sights on India and allocating large sums to train retrofitting there. But what makes India such a suitable location for this task? In fact, there are several reasons why India is a priority destination when it comes to train retrofitting.
India, an attractive destination for railway engineering
India is a country with a large number of trains and an extensive railway network. Many of these trains are old, due to a combination of historical and economic reasons. India’s railway network is one of the oldest in the world, dating back to the 1850s. Since then, it has been widely used to transport goods and passengers, resulting in a large fleet of trains.
The country now has a growing economy, so there are more resources available to replace old trains and upgrade fleets. However, due to the large number of old trains in service, retrofitting them to improve their efficiency and safety is of great economic interest and reduces their environmental impact.
Furthermore, India has a highly skilled population and extensive experience in the engineering sector, so there is a large pool of skilled professionals available to work in train retrofitting. And not only in terms of staff, but also in terms of equipment and infrastructure. India has a wide range of facilities and resources for train maintenance and repair. It has numerous railway workshops and a wide range of facilities and resources for train maintenance and repair.
In short, India is a suitable location for efficient and effective train retrofitting due to the large number of coaches available, its growing economy, its highly skilled population, its extensive engineering expertise, its vast manufacturing industry, and its facilities and resources for train maintenance and repair.
As India’s economy continues to grow, it is likely that more resources will be available to upgrade the train fleet. However, the many old trains that can be retrofitted to improve their efficiency and safety should not be neglected.
Train retrofitting, an increasingly valuable asset at Triple E
Train retrofitting is one of the most valuable services provided by Triple E. Stringent railway regulations require that trains in service be upgraded to meet current safety standards. At Triple E we design tailor-made solutions that best fit the rolling stock in use to make retrofitting work as easy as possible. The R&D and software engineering departments apply all their know-how to make the new life of the train safer and easier for the retrofitter.