The ERTMS: Transforming European Railways towards Efficiency and Safety  

In the complex network of European railway transport, efficient and safe traffic management is essential. For this reason, the ERTMS (European Railway Traffic Management System) was created, a revolutionary system designed to unify and simplify railway traffic throughout Europe, consolidating safety and fluidity in the movement of trains.  The Key: Total Interoperability Interoperability is the…

safety systems


As technology advances, travelling by train has become increasingly safe thanks to a variety of innovative systems designed to ensure passenger protection and service efficiency. In general, railway safety has evolved, like everything else, towards the preventive side. The aim is to minimise human failure through digitalisation and sensorisation. Thus, prevention with artificial intelligence and…

Visions for the Future of Railway Transport

Visions for the Future of Railway Transport

On Triple E’s 45th anniversary, we’re looking to the future and wondering what railway transport will look like in the next 45 years. In an ever-changing and evolving world, the future of railway presents great challenges and numerous opportunities.   Efficiency and Sustainability  Sustainability is expected to be a priority for the future. Railway transport systems…