In eee we are commited to attend the needs of our surroundings and contribute  possitively to society and the environment .

Focused on this double objective, we have included a corporate social responsibility to our business strategy. We promote and participate in numerous initiatives on the matter.


The company management establishes, implements and maintains an appropiate Quality and Environmental Policy according to the objective and context of the Organization that supports its Strategic Direction.

This policy arranges a framework to set up the objectives and includes its commitment to fulfill the legal requirements of constant improvement and sustainable development.

eee recognizes the duty to ensure it works trying to lower the impact of its actions and taking care of the environment with the ones that are part of the company and with the communities.


Relationship with stakehodlers

Our company is recognized with a Quality and Environmental System certified by Aeonor according to the current ISO 9001 and 14001 standards. This is why we perform an annual acceptance, evaluation and monitoring analysis of our approved Suppliers. The products and services contracted are inspected by the corresponding responsible depending on the legal and contractual requirements.


In eee evolution is continuous and clients’ expectations about our products and services increase permanently.

We operate a product development program to give quick answers to customers and market opportunities.